Recibir Dinero - Monedero Electrónico
Geld Empfangen: Cyberwallet
In bestimmten Ländern kann Ria Geld in das Cyberwallet des Empfängers einzahlen, sodass dieser wählen kann, wie und wann er dieses Geld ausgeben möchte.
All cash pick up transactions to Senegal can be transferred directly to an Orange Money Mobile wallet account by following a few steps:
Steps to receive the funds on the Orange Mobile Wallet Account:
- Dial #144#
- Select « 2 - Transfert d’argent » on the menu
- Select « 3 - Réception Internationale »
- Choose « 2 - Ria »
- Select « 1 – Utiliser mon code Ria »
- Enter the pin code to download and deposit the funds on my Orange Money account
This service offers a variety of options to customers, such as:
- Withdraw from 8.000 Orange Money locations at no additional cost.
- The deposit and withdrawal of money,
- The transfer of money from individual to individual,
- Bill payment (telephone, electricity, water ...),
- The purchase of goods and services in certain businesses,
- The purchase of Orange telephone credit.